Introducing – live search for Python documentation

Winter is long here.

It is so long that I did an accidental software development after False Spring 3 – whoops! demo is a web tool that provides live search results for Python’s official documentation.

Please try it out and let me know what you think!

It’s at “beta” stage, which means it works pretty well but it’s not perfect.

It’s fast and it looks good and the results are… fine.

It did, however, survive the front page of HackerNews without going above 2% CPU usage, which I think is pretty good.

The next big feature will be better search results. In particular: improved prominence of important language features, like built-in functions, and refined full text search and ordering of results.

Here’s the tech stack as it currently stands, for those interested:

  • Parser: Beautiful Soup + Mozilla Bleach
  • Database: in-memory SQLite (aiosqlite) + SQLAlchemy
  • Web server: FastAPI + Uvicorn + Jinja2
  • Front end: Tailwind CSS + htmx + Alpine.js

This is my first big FastAPI project, and over the next few weeks I’ll blog about some of the tricks I used, especially to do with performance.